About Me

Hello Real Estate Investors & Entrepreneurs,

My name is Reggie and I reside in the Midwest section of the United States.  I have lived here most of my life with a few travels around the world.  I want to give you some background as to how I began to launch my journey as an Entrepreneur/Real Estate investor.

Back in early 2006, I was about 10+ years in as an employee and I noticed that my finances were only enough to pay bills and a few dollars leftover til the next payday.  I then decided to get a second job to have some extra disposable income.  So, I then left to work for another one and was layed off due to cutbacks of the company for whatever reason.

Right then, I knew I didnt want to go through the hassle of getting another part-time job.  I began to research something I saw on the internet which was starting a home-based business.

The thought about starting a business from home was really exciting to me.  And it wasnt until I read the book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,”  by Robert Kiyosaki.

Right then and there I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  So from there,  it was all about how do I figure out what to do & how to create it.

I also began my first official business trying to sell health & wellness products.  However, without a marketing plan & a system in place, I was doomed before I even started.  After that was when I read the Rich Dad/Poor Dad book and knew that I needed passive income to get out of this Rat Race called a JOB.

I gathered much information and joined my local REIA (Real estate Investor Association).  At that point, it was all about learning the process of what I neeeded.  After learning from all the education, I also learned alot from speaking to other members who are already buying & selling properties and earning lots of profits from their deals.

In about 2011, I finally decided to take action on my years of studying & learning, & take action on what I have learned.

Around 2013, I took a step back and was able to assemble a Power Team.  So now, moving forward, I have the right members in place for research, rehab process, market analysis to know when to sell, and even showing me how to use advanced strategies .

So, at this point, I am spreading the word about what I have in place now as I feel this will definitely allow me to share my vision with other people and develop positive relationships that generate wealth for all involved.

Lastly, let me discuss my biggest reason for why I want to become a Business owner.  That is because of my true desire to achieve financial freedom.  It is also because I want to live an abundant lifestyle for my family.

My reason why I want be an Entrepreneur is because I want to manage ALL aspects of my life without someone else dictating when I can have time off.  I deserve a LIMITLESS Lifestyle and so does anyone else who wants to achieve it.

Happy Investing,


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