My Power Team

My Power team consists of the following:  real estate agents, property Management companies, property inspectors, Licensed financial strategist, rehab contractors, legal attorneys, title companies and the list goes on and on.  They take on alot of the daily stressful situations that would stop me in my tracks and advise me to avoid ill-advised decisions and help educate me on making decisions to increase my positive cashflow for my company & my financial partners as well.Real Estate Power Team

In short, they help me in the following areas:  purchase specific low-priced homes at a discount, keep the investment over a period of a few years, and based on the timing of the local real estate market, properties are then sold and we are able to take profits into buying additional homes.  My Power Team basically covers the How, What, Where, & When portions of investing in Real Estate.

This is what most people in the Real Estate investment world describe as “Turn-key investing”.   My Power Team handles the research from beginning the process of acquiring the real estate property.  Then, they handle the rehab work.  Shortly after that, they begin marketing the property for qualified tenants.  Once the property is rented out, they collect rents and deposit into our bank accounts.  And last but not least, when the market is right to sell, they cover the transfer of ownership, which allows me to rinse and repeat the process all over again.

By engaging in the trusted Professional Service Agreements, I pass on these trusted and valuable resources to my financial partners and proving to them that I am not a 1-man Army but I am backed by an army of professionals that work on our behalf and have our best interests in mind.

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